ULI San Diego/Tijuana: City of San Diego Briefing Brown Bag Lunch


2023-06-21T12:30:00 - 2023-06-21T13:45:00

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    ZOOM This webinar will be hosted by Zoom. Pittsburgh, PA 15222 UNITED STATES

    Join ULI San Diego – Tijuana for a pop up lunch and learn event with senior staff from the Planning and Development Services Department.


    Attendees are invited to a briefing and Q&A on the expansion of the city’s Complete Communities program and the recently released Downtown Development Toolkit.


    Speakers include:


    Seth Litchney

    Programs Manager, Housing

    City of San Diego Planning Department


    Brian Schoenfisch

    Deputy Director, Urban Division

    City of San Diego Planning and Development Services Department


    Don’t miss this chance to hear directly from city leaders on their recent changes and what’s ahead for development in the city!


    This event is open to all.