Put your expertise to use for the places you care about most.
Since 1947, ULI has harnessed the multidisciplinary expertise of its members to help communities solve challenging land use, development, and redevelopment issues on behalf of government agencies and community-based nonprofits. ULI serves as the “honest broker,” bringing all stakeholders together in an environment free of politics and preconceptions.
Technical Assistance Panels (TAPs) are part of the ULI Advisory Services program and are implemented by District and National Councils. Panelists join a team of local leaders to provide expert, timely, candid, and unbiased input to help the subject community resolve local real estate and land use issues over the course of a one- or two-day panel.
Put your expertise to use for the places you care about most.
Bring a panel to your community to identify challenges and solutions.
Manager, Keyser Marston Associates, Inc.
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